Growing up between cooking pots in a very big & Busy hotel & Restaurant Kitchen made me to who I´m today. I always wAS WORKING ON some CREATIVE PROJECTS DEAR TO ME, projects I found inspiring. actually all creative projects started to connect with each other after a while. The goal was always to improve this world, to make something look more beautiful or to create something thoughtful for a birthday or a special event. Or just to try out a recepie or something which inspired me. For some ideas I asked professionals for their help & advise. Certain projects became most beautiful in result and mostly it stayed with a sampler or a few it-pieces. Well, thanks god, I´m having a mom reading very carefully the newspaper and she is cutting out the part, when she finds something important. When I was 13 my mom found a tiny little newspaper article & the public invitation for all kid´s and teens to think about, how to promote healthy food for kids & TEENS. THE PARTICIPANTS had to be kids and teens as well. all together what my mom found in the newspaper was a few creative calls for Competitions, and one special job opening.

with having the idea to write a song text in the language of the kids & teens. To sing this conversation & to make a rap out of it to meet the language of the now a day time.

This to promote healthy food in authentic cool style. when the idea was born, I was 13.

the Bavarian/ German States Award from the ministry of nourishment, agriculture & Forests for best commercial idea to promote healthy food for kid´s & teens I received between 13/ 14.

The speech of the award ceremonie was held by the communal mayor & county executives from traunstein saying: “the idea and the presentation which got sent in was a winner. it got specially choosen.” YAYYYY!

Es begann mit einen kleinen Zeitungs-Artikel & mit einem kleinen unscheinbaren Ausschnitt aus der Zeitung & der ausschreibung gesundes essen für kid´s & teens zu promoten.

die ausschreibung war für kinder und teenager und es gab alters-beschränkungen und alters-kategorien. in den teilnahme-bedingungen war alles sehr gut erklärt. jedoch ging aus den zeitungs-artikel nicht klar heraus wer hinter der competition steht. was man genau kreatives einreicht war frei gestellt. es wurden ein paar Beispiele aufgezählt an denen man sich orientieren konnte.

mama gab mir diesen zeitungs-ausschnitt & fragte “wäre das nichts für dich.” mir kam die idee, einen song in der sprache der kids & teens der heutigen zeit zu schreiben. diese conversation im sprech-gesang einzureichen. dies um gesundes essen für kid´s & teens schmackhaft & authentisch cool zu machen. als die idee geboren wurde, war ich 13.

die staatliche Auszeichnung vom staatsministerium für ernährung, landwirtschaft & forsten & den staatlichen preis für diese ausschreibung erhielt ich Ende 13, Anfang 14.

die sieger-rede wurde vom landratsamt traunstein gehalten & es wurde gesagt das unter all den einsendungen diese einreichung speziell ausgesucht & als beste idee befunden wurde & somit gewonnen hat. YAYYYY!







Flight Attendant MASTERCLASs

F.A.M.'s guideline is love what you do, creativity, honesty, communication, teamwork, passion, authenticity, simplicity, eye-to-detail and last but not least the most important: can-do-attitude.

F.A.M. talks from Flight Attendant to Fight Attendant and tries to connect each training topic for a better remembering with a memorable story.
The most important, what F.A.M. tries to pass on is being creative in all kind of situations "with thinking outside the catering box".
Flight Attendants don’t have to look like superheroes, wearing like Clark Kent a red super hero cape being in normal life a journalist and wearing the Superman outfit like a 2nd skin below the office outfit. Or a tiara with red rubine stones like Wonder Woman. A Flight Attendant just have to be as good as a superhero in solving small and big challenges in whatever kind of form having them appearing each single day.

F.A.M. believes

that a good training can be very powerful, inspiring and motivating. The past trainings were so much fun – and that is our fuel to constantly provide the very best of service quality.
First of all, figuring out the strengths and weaknesses together – called SWOT analysis – so FAM is giving the best to polish up & level up the strengths of each participant and to train away each weak point.

F.A.M.'s mission

is finding a solution for the personal and professional improvement of each participant.

Every training and every project is an individual creative mastery for F.A.M. Personal development and a training that inspires is our main goal.

Coaching each participant individually is always a joy. F.A.M. figures out the strengths and weaknesses. So F.A.M. gives the outmost to polish and level up the strengths and train away each weak point. Also telling honestly about practical situations, when things were not running like planned. Pointing out, nobody is perfect. And pointing out that life will always give us Challenges, It´s just the question how we deal with it. We have to live the life forward as the Jet flies forward - afterwards we can review and see how to act in a better way and how we learn and improve personally and professionally.

Whenever help and support is needed - F.A.M. is just a message away. Clear and straight communication is very important to F.A.M.

F.A.M. and each participant solves challenges together, especially in roll games, how to master difficult situations in the best possible way. Learning together, analysing together and laughing together.

F.A.M. is fueled by passion for the job and loves to pass it on.

Delicious food on board should be simple, fresh and highest quality. Also the plating style - clean & modern.

Is a God given word - so F.A.M. passes on the happiness to be authentic, to be yourself.


Über F.A.M.

Flight Attendant MASTERCLASs

F.A.M.'s guideline: Liebe deinen job. liebe was du tust - dann ist es keine arbeit, dann ist es joy & fun - mit dieser einstellung macht die arbeit spaß und das geld ist fair verdient. Kreativität, Ehrlichkeit, Kommunikation, Teamwork, Leidenschaft für den Job, Authentizität. Die Sachen & Dinge easy, clean & Simple halten. damit das spezielle, das Design - oder besser gesagt das i-tüpfelchen noch besser raus kommt. Eye to detail - auge für´s detail. Can do Attitude - das heißt, die einstellung zu haben - die beste lösung finden zu wollen.

F.A.M spricht von stewardess zu stewardess und verbindet die trainings-einheiten mit praktischen und persönlichen kurzen Hintergrund. erlbenisse, praktische hinweise, kurze stories, damit man das gelernte gut behalten & anwenden kann.

Das wichtigste in den Trainings-einheiten ist kreativität im persönlichen & im kulinarischen sektor zu lernen & zu entwickeln. Den Passagieren gut zuzuhören und aufmerksam zu sein. Lösungen zu finden, “indem man ausserhalb der catering box denkt.” das heisst, lösungen bei einer grösseren anzahl an passagieren, lösungen wenn bestellte wunsch-gerichte nicht wie bestellt ankommen. lösungsvorschläge, wenn ein kuchen durch den transport gebrochen ist. Kreative & schnelle lösungen ohne weitere kosten zu generieren. Alles beispiele aus der praxis. Flight Attendants müssen nicht wie super helden aussehen, aber wie superhelden pro aktiv handeln. superhelden sind vorbilder an denen wir uns orientieren. sie sind role models in Kleidung, Erscheinungsbild & Sprache & sie haben immer ihren eigenen style & irgend eine wunder-waffe, irgend ein spezielles Gerät, Auto, Getränk, Kleidungsstück, tool, welches sie anwenden & damit die situation retten & mit dem sie verbunden werden. Superhelden-capes sind der neueste trend & man kann auch damit fliegen - stylish an board der Falcon, der Gulfstream, an board der BBJ. Superhelden capes werden dann zur persönlichen kleinen KuschelDecke im Airbus, beim proceeding auf dem Nachhauseweg mit Lufthansa. Superhelden haben immer ihr eigenes spezielles Equipment dabei - aladin den fliegenden teppich & später prinzessin jasmin. clark kent, im normalen leben ein journalist. Im Superhelden outfit Superman. Er trägt unter dem anzug sein blaues superhelden outfit mit “S” für Superman drauf. Für kleine jungs auch als schlafanzug erhältlich. superman, always ready to help & ready to jump right in the situation. somehow, giving the best you can - einfach das Beste gebend. Batman ist ein Anwalt mit seinen roten telefon immer erreichbar. Wonder woman wundert sich wo ihre schlüssel sind & wie sie´s doch wieder geschafft hat die Welt zu retten. aren´t we not all a bit wonderwoman?! I wonder where my key is, i wonder How I made it work out somehow. Und während dem Weltretten was immer eine on going sache ist, dann auch noch super sexy mit himmelblauer hot pant, perfekt sitzender fön-Frisur & tiara im haar die beste figur machend. Yayyy!


*Summer 2023 I took some pictures during my travels discovering new shops & areas. Just increadible how time flies. I will write a bit longer, just by now shortly saying thanks for the most beautiful pictures, mindnotes and impressions...

*Thanks for a very sweet and mindful service to the Hetzl family & team. I do love the shoes from Ms Hetzl, specially two pair - one pair of Leo-print Ballerinas and Chanel Style beige Ballerinas with a black tip. And I do love the very detailed and precise work from the Hetzl Optician shop. Very good results & very much to recommend. Glasses, shoes and bags, you just enjoy to wear. Very sweet character types of people you enjoy shopping with.

*I´m congratulating Heppel Concept Store Traunreut for the successful opening & outmost beautiful renovation. Very, very well done everyone! Pictures done at the brand new Concept store in Traunreut & at Zeitgeist Trostberg.

*I found in my pictures a picture/ mind note from Marius and I was happy seeing his professional model career taking off skywards. And I was very, very happy finding him at the Topmodel Casting France by this time & seeing this outmost amazing results. What a gorgeous model you became! YAYYYY! Good job!

*Gössl Traunstein, how cute pictures we did end of the day. It was fun and just in an blink of an eye.

*Gabi Huber, extraordinary good & extraordinary talented flower artist and flower fairy, Traunreut

*SOHO Moscow, what an amazing very, very well done, beautiful location for going out.

*Giselle, what a beauty!