i-phone, facebook, skype

when traveling the world, it´s very important to be connected and to stay connected… so Thank you to my idols, Steve jobs & Marc zuckerberg for making this world go round with inventing the i-phone & facebook. you are loved, adored & living forever with this inventions. Steve and marc you are forever young & forever in the hearts of the i-phone generation. my desk always includes a cup of jasmine curls green tea with honey, or earl grey with milk & honey. sometimes hot lemon with honey or a cup cappucino.


i do looooove deeply out of my heart. travelling light with audio books. listening with sennheiser head phones at the airports, lufthansa planes and marriott hotels all around this world. oh my world it´s enriching and inspiring the soul. it´s truly an happiness app.

books, quotes and bestselling authors

once i was reading an american business book just half way, translated from american english into german. the book i found during “window shopping” online on amazon during my regular amazon, i-tunes, facebook and fb-friends researches. the author barbara sher was asking following business question: “if you could create your dream family, which people you would choose and why? I found this question so very, very interesting & i started to note my personal answer in i-phone notes. then i added a new chapter for myself “best job interview questions” to have this question ready when needed for holding an interview myself. finding this question so very interesting, thinking to myself, “this will go into my book. this is inspiring me. ths will go into my bestseller.” noting this about 12 years ago, not to forget this very good and highly interesting job interview question & the answer i would give (this was as said 12 years ago):

-my mom: grace kelley for her elegance, grace & beauty. For her outmost beautiful pictures the whole world knows, loves & adores. for her hairstyle & way to dress. for the kindness and sweetness in her face everyone loves to look at. for being a kind and clever person. and for having a strong character.

-my dad: a passenger once flying on board. we had a very good conversation. we were connected & i felt supported.

-my aunt: marylin monroe for her beauty and for her sweet way of fascinating people. for her outmost beautiful face and hair. for her make up style and for her everlasting beauty. marylin had her own style and her own character. she was an amazing actress. and she followed her heart. she was going for the man who was fascinating her and who was on her level.

-my grandmom: Mother theresa, for being a helper and a giver. for starting a movement & for being an idol in seeing the real need of people - personal care, real food & a safe place to be. For supporting and helping when no one else helps. for helping this ones who can´t help you back. and for giving food to the really hungry ones sitting at the ground and are unable to work for their food themself by this state of being.

-my granddad: Albert einstein for his quotes and for being an absolute genius with a future mindset. speaking highly intelligent things in plain and easy words. saying difficult things with easy wording. easy to understand for everyone.

somehow amazon, audible and i-tunes leaded into the american bestseller lists. and i was the most happiest person on earth discovering during the world was busy “the hero”, “her”, “jobs”, “the persuit of happiness”, learning more what other people around the world experienced when calling up on archangels in life threadning situations and being way ahead of european time, when gossip, hate and rumors were going through the papers. that´s something i´m not joining. rumors and gossips are ugly and are spread by jealous people. that´s something I´m not supporting. when it´s true it´s different. and when it´s leading into war it´s our all job to do, to speak the truth when you do know it. it is our purpose and our duty to speak up when you do know the truth even if no one believes it & understands it, by this time.

well… It´s so much world to see & so so much more books to read, so it´s way easier to just listen. to become quiet & to just listen what the clever minds who made it into the world wide bestselling lists, have to say.

personally, I do get high on intelligent conversations, on fashion books, wood art, inspiring & motivating art, on really good and authentic F&B. people who are having the talent of creativity, the talent to write and the talent to move souls with their words, i do find sexy. to cut a long story short, Certain authors are just to good to be true. and they do feel likeminded. they do feel connected. well, to be honest, the moment you do start with the american bestsellers which are just outmost beautiful and rich at wording and expression. clean and pure. way ahead of time, you never read it anymore in most boring german. ;-) somehow i felt more drawn into the american bestseller lists & the ones i found best i listened over and over again


I do looooooooove the big cinema amazon. it takes you in a new world of freedom to choose the best and the latest movies in your time. the moment you want to do a break, you just click - and you continue the movie without missing a second. Amazon is not just my favourite in buying books. it became amazon prime which became a special blessing. I do not watch anymore german tv since many years. it´s out of date. and amazon, facebook and youtube are the absolute trendsetters. time well invested for exactly what´s interesting.