Photography & Arts

Tim Brüning, Olli Huck, Reinhard Winkler, Angela Hofmann, Sabrina Geigges, Stefanie Fiegl, Stefanie Trinkberger, Übergossene Alm, Deli Sky

PHOTOGRAPHY & ARTS #Dream it #Photography_is_about_people #There _is _a_meaningful_story_in_all_of_us

#Creativity #Design #Photo Artists

PHOTOGRAPHY & ARTS #Dream it #Photography_is_about_people #There _is _a_meaningful_story_in_all_of_us #Creativity #Design #Photo Artists

I see sky of blue & clouds of white, the bright blessed day says slowly good night. And I think to myself: What a wonderful world…
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky are on the surfaces mirroring the jets passing by. I see friends shaking hands, saying “how do you do?” With a warm welcome on board expressing: “I care about you…”

*Übergossene Alm, The Alm Hotel*

*Übergossene Alm, The Alm Hotel*

#Hochkönig, da wo ich König bin & du meine Königin

#Best Wellness Hotels Austria #Ü-Alm #Übergossene Alm #Winter Wonderland #Dienten Hochkönig

#Hochkönig, da wo ich König bin & du meine Königin #Best Wellness Hotels Austria #Ü-Alm #Übergossene Alm #Winter Wonderland #Dienten Hochkönig


Übergossene Alm Dienten, Austria

Winter Cover, Winter Wonderland

Best Wellness Hotels Austria

Female Model Stefanie for F.A.M.

Picture by Ideenwerk Salzburg, Austria

Retouching & Design by Eisuke Taki, Hollywood Los Angeles. (The designer of the Emmy Award figure for SAG AFTRA).

#Sagenhaft #Magische Momente #Almzeit #Ü-Alm #The Alm-Hotel #Winter #Alm Post #Winter-Season #Seasons-Greetings #Winter Cover #Ski #Österreich #Austria #Best Wellness Hotels Austria #Hotel Sternchen #Market Leader #Mountains #Hochkönig #Dienten #Berg #Wir sind Berg! #Unberührte Natur! #Fühlen #Schmecken #Genießen #Culinary Moments #Tiefschnee #Outside Photo-Shootings #Natur pur! #Schee is, wenn Schnee is #Fesch bist! #Tradition #Dem Gipfel so nah #Hoch, hoch, hoch zum Gipfelkreuz #Wo wir nah am Himmel sind #Hochkönig, da wo ich König bin & du meine Königin #Mountain-Resort & Spa #Love me like you do #Leidenschaft #Sagenhaft #Die Sage der Übergossenen Alm #Da wo alles begann #Der Ursprung aller Dinge #Die Übergossene Alm das Alpha und Omega der Best Wellness Hotels #Die geilste Werbung Landesweit und weit über die Grenzen hinaus. #Ohhh, bin ich stolz auf dich Wolfgang! :-) #Trendsetter #Good Taste #Culinary #Gourmet-Hotel & Resort #Ski Amadé


Fäaschtbänkler, Schweiz @Dienten Hochkönig, Konzert 2020 #Hoch, hoch, hoch zum Gipfelkreuz #Hochkönig, wo wir nah am Himmel sind #Hochkönig, da wo ich König bin & du meine Königin


Delicious Sky Catering

DeliSky Delicious Sky Catering


Premium Inflight Catering Solutions

By this time DeliSky was born, Sascha the founder of DeliSky made a Facebook post regarding his commercial plans and regarding his new App.

So, we met up at London Airport. It was a constructive meeting and many more followed.

With handing over my Business-Card, exchanging numbers, having a good talk and a personal conneciton, Sascha is a pilot knowing the procedures and catering situations on board very well. Knowing the good catering companies and the less good ones. So, I understood the just born idea of DeliSky and Sascha and me, we stayed in touch.

Just a few days after our meeting, it really happened, that with a short time notice I was in London urgently looking for a high quality catering. So I got in touch with Sascha, and he recommended me a new provider he just got in his systhem. So, with this situation, I got customer of DeliSky too. And I experienced personally DeliSky Service in London, Zurich etc. DeliSky is handing over the Catering orders to the provider and double checking, that the order is getting prepaired and delivered. Actually, DeliSky is doing the follow up, usually a Flight Attendant is doing. And DeliSky is having a new Mobile Phone and i-pad App to just click on the dishes and having the price and the quantity easy in the overview. How the App looks like and how it´s functioning, is actually compareable to Amazon. easy. Everything within a few clicks. Sent. done. Delivered on board.

Photography: by Reinhard Winkler, Germany for Delisky Switzerland

Model: Stefanie for delisky switzerland

About DeliSky, Delicious Sky Catering

The company

Founded in 2009 and headquartered in Switzerland, DeliSky is a leading provider of VIP inflight catering services. With more than 100 business jet operators taking advantage of the delisky services already at over 1'000 locations worldwide and over 20'000 catering orders delivered every year, Delisky continuously develops and improves the client-oriented services and expand the network of catering providers around the world. With hundreds of catering orders handled every month, delisky knows how to bring the onboard catering to perfection and maximize the efficiency of the order process.

The situation

Very often it’s a major challenge for flight attendants and operations personnel to find reliable and up-to-date information regarding the best available inflight caterers, their menus, quality and prices. Since catering is one of the most crucial success factors towards customer satisfaction, delisky developed and established a comprehensive solution for VIP jet catering.


delisky´s mission is to set up a unique worldwide catering solution. perfectly tailored to the needs of the VIP aviation industry. deliSky supports in reducing catering expenses with an pre-overview of the cost and the quantity, with this to save valuable time through efficient ordering with an app possibility and administration support.



**Los Angeles USA, Hollywood**

**Los Angeles USA, Hollywood**

By the Secret - “The hero” - “Journey of a hero” composer Jo Blankenburg, we did some artwork together

Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA

Photography by Jo Blankenburg, USA

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M., Germany

Retouching: Jo Blankenburg, USA

Design: Eisuke Taki, The Art & Graphic Designer who designed the Emmy Award

when flying in russia and for russian clients, becoming fan of moscow and fan of the russian mentality, it was once a russian flight attendant during a flight telling during this flight shortly about “the secret” and “the hero”. A book and an author I did not know by this time. she had the book in her handbag and just spoke a few small sentences about it. She took the book out of her handbag and showed me shortly the cover. as well she spoke about her studies in oil/ GAs/ Energy management. she mentioned the company she is flying for and working for in the management. match making for both - for gazprom and for the flight attendant organizing the flights and studying next to flying, Oil & Gas Energy Management. We had big catering from pushkin, Moscow Downtown.

As well irina my russian friend, she was actually the first one telling me about the film she saw in the cinema. she was actually the first one telling me about a movie she saw in the cinema in moscow. Irina is standing out as loyal, sweet and a very good guide in downtown moscow, russia. in my first month of flying, i was wishing for a dear Local russian friend. I just made this wish sitting at a pizzeria downtown moscow. 2-3 minutes after, i met Irina at the bathroom. it was just a short, sweet communication. we had from the beginning on a connection and we both were here with other people and we both had to go. so we exchanged mobile phone numbers and we met up later on for a talk. with 21 we both had fun talking english and we catched up regulary for a tea, a coffee, and to have a small dinner downtown. discovering moscow. having a fantastic local guide teaching about russian cuisine, russian language and russian history with the different point of view. speaking honestly about the russian economy, working conditions. Irina was giving me some small Russian language lessons during having dinner. We always had a city walk, a good laugh and a really cool time. to have a very good and honest picture of russia and it´s people. to really start loving russia and it´s people and it´s mentality. i truly loved my passengers. they are special and very good character types i preciated working for. they are real people and authentic people. when they are happy you do see it & feel it and you are happy for them. when they are not happy, you see it too. they don´t make a big show. they are intelligent, they are business people. they know what they want. they do have a clear sense for what is good. They are trendsetters. they are world travellers. and they are the new russian economy.

2-3 years after, when just arriving in moscow, me and the crew just checked in at the hotel Renaissance Olympinsky, i got a photoshooting request from a german photographer, andy fuchs, regarding a photo-shooting with a stuntman, a bicycler. i got it explained as action-photo shooting girls dressed in camouflage outfit and he said, if the pictures are getting good he want to send it to red Bull or to a magazine to have it published. Depending on the result of the pictures. the photo shooting was with very big effort & being busy for it, arranging everything. Andy, he called himself global storyteller, asked to sign off all photo rights for this art project of him at the day of the photo shooting. he had the contract ready to sign off all rights from the pictures. andy was not paying for the shooting in exchange he wanted to send the pictures from the photo shooting. by this time i was collecting the best photo shoots, the best pictures for my own portfolio. and the photographers collected own projects as well for their portfolio. if everyone is doing a good job - it´s a win-win situation for both. creatives helping together for the outcome of a project. it´s different kind of photo shootings. creative Artwork. andy was not keeping his word. he sent after a long while just one bad-quality picture for all the big effort. all the other pre-view pictures were covered compleatly with a water-sign, that it´s impossible to use for the own portfolio. it took about a year to get more then one picture to see without a full-water-sign cover. still no good pictures. when seeing this, I had no longer interest to get pictures from this photo shooting. the pictures were not good & they were not feeling good. i didn´t like the feeling when looking at it but i was by this time not linking it to andy fuchs. from the point of view now the situation is clear. andy fuchs is just doing stuff like that. he is using psi and mindcontrol. by this time I was not aware of it.

a year after, it turned out that andy fuchs was the brother of Jo, the music-composer, composing in los angeles, music for “The hero”/ “Journey of a hero” a book and an audio book, which became a worldwide bestseller in all the big book stores and online book-stores. it just came out and i had it on my i-phone, Audible. then i listened very carefully and making notes, and i noticed, that i do know this guy, i do know this music maker - i already had a photo-shooting with his brother and i´m connected with him on facebook. and i looked up the person online. i noticed that jo´s Birthday is in the next days and i was sending Jo birthday-Greets. so a conversation started. and i was listening the audio-book “the hero” over and over via audible during my travels and i found it fascinating and absolutely amazing. way ahead of time. When I was listening to the quality, i thought, one day i´m recording my bestselling book with simon & Schuster. this was my new big goal. it was just absolutely superb. and this was the new, very high setted goal to reach.

and this book and it´s message was my first audio book i had on my i-phone i was buying for christmas in new york with michel. i loved this most beautiful white i-phone from christmas in new york. this i-phone brought me joy, connection, fun and way closer to all my friends all around the world.

“The secret” & “the hero” reached out into the world with a clear message, that if you believe in what you do, if you do have a fantastic business idea, then go for it & believe in it. wear it & carry your message out into the world. if you go with full heart giving your very best, then the world will follow. actually, this is quite a big story.

the communication between jo and me was special - and beautifully written.

it turned out, that the communication got hacked by the spy´s of a record label. The record label who was spying out this communication, had interest in collecting news and updates. hollywood is always looking for the next Hot story, scriptbook, music texts and for the next talent. by this time, not knowing that the conversation got hacked by record-label-spys. it is the biggest and most famous record label in the usa, who hacked the communication. a way bigger and better record label, then Jo was actually asigned with. when saying good night i wrote:

“All of me loves all of you.”

it became the headline and the refrain of the song “All of me loves all of you”, by john legend, which came out 1-2 month after i wrote it. so, the guys who hacked the communication and who were spying out the situation, making this love song and the video out of it. i´m happy, very happy of the outcome. good job! still, the refrain is from me. and i would exchange a few words/ sentences from the song lyrics, making a few words more positive ;-) And the video location looks exactly like the location jo & me stayed in los angeles, same piano, same couch style - the original couch was U-Form and 3x bigger, same building style of the house, same shower, same view, same window situation, same light switches, same t-shirt when playing the piano, same scenery at the terrace, same body-posture when playing the piano. it´s playback. - jo legend is not playing the piano in real look at his hands and fingers. same windows. -no pool. 1:1 same situation just getting to know each other. clothes style. well, here i do not believe in coincidence anymore.

thanks for the song. thanks for the bestseller. i do love chrissi teigen in her job and in her outfits at the lipsynk battle.

honestly Guys, you do owe me a compleate whole new Lipsync party place - at my home! with all props & equipment! i mean it!

WIKIPEDIA: "All of Me loves all of you"

On the week ending May 26, 2014, it peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, becoming his first number-one single in the United States. It knocked off "Happy" by Pharrell Williams, which had spent 10 weeks at number one. The song peaked at number two in the United Kingdom, South Africa and New Zealand and topped the charts in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the Netherlands. It became the second best-selling song of 2014 in the United States with 4.67 million copies sold for the year, as well as the third best-selling song in the United Kingdom. "All of Me" was the third best-selling song of 2014 with 12.3 million equivalent-units worldwide (sales plus streaming), according to the IFPI. A remix of the song (Tiësto's Birthday Treatment remix), featuring EDM artist Tiësto, was released in January 2014 and won the 2015 Grammy Award for Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical, while another remix was done in March of that year by trance artist Dash Berlin. A live version of the song was nominated for Best Pop Solo Performance, losing to Williams' "Happy".


“All of me loves all of you”


“STADT INDIANER” - “Native american living downtown”, well by this time giving the project a quick name when selecting the pictures and the outcome of the photo-shoot.

“angels in america”

“point dume”, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL beach IN Los angeles

“Beverly hills”

“Melrose Place”

“Mother Earth”

About Jo Blankenburg

  • Jo is a german hollywood trailer music composer. MUSICIAN, artist, filmer and photographer. Jo is doing Background music for America´s got talent and america´s idol. Jo worked for PROJECTS, COMPANIES, tv-shows & BRANDS like for the book and audio book “the secret”, “the hero”, for the author rhonda burnes & sky burnes.

  • Jo composed the music for “the hero”, THE WORLD-WIDE MOST FAMOUS MULTI TRILLION downloads and multi trillion audio tracks SELLING AUDIO BOOK “The hero” written by rhonda burnes, Music by jo Blankenburg, recorded by simon & Schuster.

  • audi, the background music for the audi museuM.

  • St. Moritz, music for the St. Moritz image video for the winter sport event

  • Debenhams shopping center, us-christmas commercial. the most amazing america wide seen deep feeling christmas commercial is so very, very beautiful and very well done. winner!

  • Disney

  • background music for america´s got talent, america´s idol, this management team - they are the makers of america´s next topmodel, and the makers of Project runway

  • in touch with Kaleidoscope, arista records

  • UNDER CONTRACT AT THE RECORD LABEL with position music and they are working next to other companies and productions with America´s got talent and america´s idol

“THE HERO”/ “JOURNEY OF A HERO” written by Rhonda Burnes, USA

Music by Jo Blankenburg, Los Angeles, USA

Audio Recording & Cut by Simon & Schuster, Los Angeles, USA

Photography: Jo Blankenburg, USA

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M., Germany

Retouching: Jo Blankenburg, USA

Location: Los Angeles, Point Dume

Photography: Jo Blankenburg, USA

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M., Germany

Retouching: Jo Blankenburg, USA

Location: Malibu Los Angeles, USA

Los Angeles was amazing in meeting people, I met a few times for art projects Eisuke Taki, the Graphic-Designer of the Emmy Award and his wife Nana. We had a few times lunch and dinner together.
eisuke and me we kept in touch as we both actually had a book, and a little graphic design agency, with selected projects, and selected customers in mind. eisuke and me, we both wanted to do some art projects together. and we had a very big project lined up we were both very much looking forward…

Photography: Jo Blankenburg, USA

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M., Germany

Retouching: Whitney Minthorn, USA. Whitney is actually working & retouching for “NEXT TOPMODEL” somewhere in Asia… The best of luck dear Whitney!

Location: Los Angeles, Downtown



Tim Brüning

Tim Brüning


tim brünning is SPECIALly interested in PICTURING ARCHITECTURE which he finds amazing himself, weddings, wedding documentaries and all what personaly interests him.


photo shoots at the fraueninsel/ Chiemsee lake & iT´s nature & purity. I do love meindl & i do love gössl. it´s extraordinary beautiful Local luxury brands. OUTMost beautiful handmade quality. a pure joy to wear. this are favourite brands i do love, i do wear, and i do support.

individual art projects with friends, friends of friends & models to be.

Over the roofs of Hamburg. I sent in this powerful picture, Tim & me, we did together in Hamburg to Vogue Italy Online.

Photography: Tim Brüning, Germany

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M., Germany

Retouched by: Stefanie for F.A.M.

Retouching Coach: Tim Brüning

Retouching Student: Stefanie

Location: Hamburg, Downtown

Hat & Maje dress by Alsterhaus Hamburg

Leo-print scarf by H&M

I was the most happiest girl, when Tim explained me the basics of post production. Just doing it together. It´s a piece of art & expression & I do love it. The results turned out compleatly different then before & the quality was way better when I started to retouch myself.
— Stefanie

City Lights of Hamburg. Tim and me did this shooting in one day & I was wearing this most beautiful hat from Alsterhaus Hamburg, making a difference. So I sent in this picture to Vogue Italy Online.

Photography: Tim Brüning, Germany

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M., Germany

Retouched by: Stefanie for F.A.M.

Retouching Coach: Tim Brüning

Retouching Student: Stefanie for F.A.M.

Location: Hamburg, Downtown

This most amazing hat was from Alsterhaus Hamburg


#PICTURE ARTWORKS #STEFANIE FOR F.A.M. #Good Hair Days #Loving Salzburg #Downtown Photo Shooting #Merci

#PICTURE ARTWORKS #STEFANIE FOR F.A.M. #Good Hair Days #Loving Salzburg #Downtown Photo Shooting #Merci


Photography: Tim Brüning

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M.

Hair & Make up: Stefanie for F.A.M.

Retouching & Post Production: Stefanie for F.A.M., Retouching Trainer Tim


Photography: Tim Brüning

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M.

Hair & Make up: Stefanie for F.A.M.

Retouching & Post Production: Stefanie for F.A.M., Retouching Trainer Tim


Photography: Tim Brüning

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M.

Hair & Make up: Stefanie for F.A.M.

Retouching & Post Production: Stefanie for F.A.M.. Retouching Trainer Tim


Hair up do by Heidi & Stefanie.

Photography: Tim Brüning

Post production: Tim & Stefanie

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M.

I do love Heidi for her hair artwork & for her fine sense in putting things the right way
— Stefanie

Arcitecture Photography

Photography: Tim Brüning, Germany

Post Production: Tim Brüning, Germany

Location: Germany


Arcitecture Photography

Photography: Tim Brüning, Germany

Post Production: Tim Brüning, Germany

Location: Hamburg, Germany

Arcitecture Photography

Photography: Tim Brüning, Germany

Post Production: Tim Brüning, Germany

Location: Hamburg, Germany

Arcitecture Photography

Photography: Tim Brüning, Germany

Post Production: Tim Brüning, Germany

Location: Germany



Oliver Huck

Oliver Huck


Phantastic photographer and phantastic retoucher, shooting free-style inside in a very well equipped new photo studio. and double checking the pictures on the computer. very good equipped and very well assorted and pre prepaired for the photo shooting. very Good Job. to select the very best ones from the photo-shooting, it´s amazng results with outmost beautiful retouching. thank you very much olli. i do looooove them!

Photography: Olli Huck

Post Production & Retouching: Olli Huck

Model: Stefanie for F.A.M.

Hair & Make up: Stefanie for F.A.M.



Reinhard Winkler

Reinhard Winkler

Reinhard Winkler, Foto Studio Gastager


Photography: Reinhard Winkler

Model: Theresa Albert

Make up Artist: Stefanie for F.A.M.


Photography: Reinhard Winkler

Model: Theresa Albert

Make up Artist: Stefanie for F.A.M.


Photography: Reinhard Winkler


Reinhard Winkler is just amazing! An outstanding photographer. Very Busy & many clients per day. Easy. Calm. Very reliable with good equipment, very quick and very steady iN his job. very good studio and very good ideas. The results are always, absolutely amazing. a man with can do attitude. fair in pricing & timing. he is happy when the customer is happy and he is very supportive & just great when having a project to do. The team is very good and he is a real boss and a good boss. ranking high!

this is my personal opinion. Very, very much to recommend for curricalum vitae pictures, business-pictures and private pictures for everyone. for models just starting to collect pictures. Very creative & very good in retouching classical pictures. A busy photographer with his own shop, very good & well working equipment. easy in print and easy in just have the best solution in the best time. I do like Reinhard Winkler in person and professional. he is having the very right professional attitude to be a photographer. and I do recommend him always to everyone as i do think myself he is the best in the area. Saying he is the best. since I´m teenager i do have all my pictures from rheinhard winkler. Reinhard and conny were doing my passport pictures since teenage time on. Pictures, i was not expecting. and pictures i was very happy with. they are doing a very good and easy job. the pictures are getting outmost beautiful. people are happy there and people are happy with the pictures and with the outcome of the pictures.




middle 20 i was writing the COLUMN, a double page with jetset stories for the little local lifestyle magazine. shortly before i was working for hilton international and living in munich at the English Garden. my room mate was from german tv channel pro 7 and i took the room over from tamara, a screenplay soap opera writer from “Gute zeiten schlechte zeiten” German TV Channel RTL.


is such a very important social place to meet & greet & to post pictures. it´s so very important to be in touch with all your flying family & friends. to be up to date what´s on going for everyone. the best way to stay in touch. and the best way to give birthday greets.




A like Angela

A like Angela


Dream it

A like Angela A like Angela TRAVEL IMPRESSIONS Dream it


Venice & Co.

Photographed by Angela Hofmann


POSTCARD DESIGN & STILLS by Angela Hofmann §:-)

*** #Venice #Venezia #Venedig #and_many_more!

POSTCARD DESIGN & STILLS by Angela Hofmann §:-) *** #Venice #Venezia #Venedig #and_many_more!

I´m a landscape & scenery photographer. This is how I started.
— Angela Hofmann

Following artwork and pictures are from the one and only, most amazing photographer & dear friend Angela Hofmann. we are friends and doing artwork together since 16 years.

A like Angela. A like angel with a cam. A like a really cool framework of photographs from the most beautiful places collected from all around the world. Mostly from the beloved city Venice. Well, I can truly write a book about the amazing people you meet, people travelling from A to B to catch the best of the best ever lasting memories with cam and canvas. The painters, the photographers and the models. The make up artists and the photo assistents. The picture creatives, the filmers, the stylists and the photo retoucher. All to catch and to make this one shot work. To do a memorable photoshooting for the crew and for the viewer. With the goal to create something amazing. Something special. Something which is reaching out into the world and touching people´s heart.

Our teamwork started in Konstanz. And this was memorable. A bridal photo shoot and Angela was the photo-assistent. We met there the first time. The photographer was to Angie and as well to me, so very nosy, that we both decided to catch up seperately & to create something new. We became friends and we became a team. from this day on such a cool girls connection was born. we are all creative character types having individual styles trying out cool hair styles, mixing and matching clothes and accesoires. making the difference. doing artwork and having fun, working towards the perfect result. cool styling and knowing what looks authentic cool in front of the camera. when angie and sabrina travelled to italy, i joined them at venice. so we met up each year around november in bella italia. flying from Munich to marco polo airport venice. meeting up and making friends during travelling, during shopping. enjoying at the marco polo airport a “VIP” a Very important panini. yuuuummiiii, it´s very much to recommend to try the italian way of doing panini´s.

venice. The beloved and charming city of the artists and the costums. the city of the real hot chocolate from cafe florian, the city of the chinese and japanese travel groups, the city of the water taxis and water buses, the city of the painters, musicians and san marco. you meet the very, very special people on the road, giving a smile. well, konstanz meets venice. and venice meets konstanz and as well the michlwirt - me.

the place were the picture book is having it´s heart.



by Angela Hofmann


POSTCARD DESIGN & STILLS by Angela Hofmann *


Quite interesting what a cam can capture. quite interesting to catch a feeling, to catch a mood and a moment. so becoming part of the moment. I do love

postcard photo art by angela hofmann & her art book design

when no one noticed and when everyone was busy with something else, angie catched a moment of something you found at this moment nothing special, but when it´s framed beautifully in white, it´s becoming an art piece. the frame work and believing in it is truly making the difference.


& Co.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production & Retouching by Whitney Minthorn, USA

Model, Stefanie for F.A.M.

Hair & Make Up by Stefanie for F.A.M.

Bed Linen by Ralph Lauren

I love Venice.
— Stefanie


Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production, Retouching by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Model, Stefanie Trinkberger, Germany for F.A.M.

Coat by Ted Baker @ Alsterhaus Hamburg, Germany

Gondoliere Luca, Venice, Italy

Location Venice, Italy

Steffi ist jetzt auf hunderten von Foto-Alben & Venedig Bildern von all den Chinesischen Reise-Gruppen zu finden :-D
— Angela

Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production, Retouching by Angela Hofmann, Germany.

Location Venice, Italy

Die Foto Reisen nach Venedig mit Angela und Sabrina werden legendär.
Es ist ein Abenteuer. Jedes einzelne mal haben wir Geschichten zu erzählen, die nicht von dieser Welt sind. Es sind Erinnerungen und bleibende Eindrücke. Making Memories. Making Friends. Making amazing Pictures & ganz nebenher findet man die besten Bakeries, Cafés, Pizza und Panini Places von ganz Venedig.
— Stefanie

Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production, Retouching by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Location Venice, Italy

The photo travels to Venice with Angela and Sabrina are getting legendary. It´s always an adventure. It´s always just extraordinary fun & we always have a story to tell & to laugh about each funny happening. Making memories. Making friends. Making amazing pictures & next to it, finding the places where the best panini & the best Cappucino is served.
— Stefanie

Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production, Retouching by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Location Venice, Italy

Let´s meet above the clouds of busy minds. Let´s meet in Venice.
— Stefanie

Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production, Retouching by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Location Venice, Italy

Grazie... bon appetito...
— Angie and me we got some Italian lessons on the road, in restaurants and from people we met

Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production, Retouching by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Location Venice, Italy

I do love Venice! I do looooove the Panini here. Do you want to try it?
— Angela Hofmann

Photography by Angela Hofmann

Retouching by Angela Hofmann

Location Venice, Italy

Steffi is now on hundrets of holiday Venice pictures of all the Chinese travel groups, who were picturing us.”
— Angela
I always said so, Steffi is the Mac Gyver under all Models. She can turn easily, a bubble gum paper and some yarn into a shooting outfit. :-)
— Angela Hofman
Michlwirt, a place like in a picture book.
— daily press
Black and white are my favourits!
— Angela Hofmann
Venice is having the best Cappuccino.
— Stefanie

Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production, Retouching by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Location Venice, Italy

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
— Stefanie

Photography by Angela Hofmann

Post Production & Retouching by Angela Hofmann

Location Venice, Italy

See you in Venice Angela.
— Stefanie

Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production, Retouching by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Model, Stefanie Trinkberger, Germany for F.A.M.

Location Venice, Italy

Ich hab´s ja schon immer gesagt, Steffi ist der Mac Gyver unter den Models. Sie kann aus einem Kaugummipapier & ner Rolle Zwirn ein Shooting Outfit zaubern :-)
— Angela Hofmann

Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production, Retouching by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Model, Stefanie Trinkberger, Germany for F.A.M.

Location Venice, Italy

Mia meine Mia
The food in Italy tasts so much better. I´m looking for Burrata, something similar to Mozzarella. It´s just amazing. You will love it...
— Stefanie, when looking for an classical well assorted italian delicatess shop selling burrata

Photography by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Post Production, Retouching by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Location Café Florian Venice, Italy

Let´s have a hot chocolate here.
— Stefanie with Angela and Sabrina @ Café Florian, San Marco Square

Sabrina Geigges

Sabrina Geigges Photography



Photographer, stylist, multi tasker, dear friend & creative mind, all in one - Sabrina. (left Sabrina, right Angela)
— Stefanie


by Sabrina Geigges Photographie

Merry christmas

Seasons greetings the most sweetest & the most personal way.


The little ones are the most prettiest ones in front of the cam & Sabrina just catched the very right moment.

Café Florian

Photographed by Sabrina Geigges, Germany

Post Production Retouching by Sabrina Geigges, Germany

Photo Assistence by Angela Hofmann, Germany

Model, Stefanie Trinkberger, Germany for F.A.M

Fashion Design, Skirt by Luise Decker, Shirt by Woolford

Location Café Florian, Venice, Italy



#queen-of-hashtags #partytime #well deserved #modern-lovers-photographer #alternative wedding photographer #BRAVO! #feel-celebrated

CONGRATULATIONS! AND THE GERMAN AWARD IN CATEGORY CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHY GOES TO STEFANIE FIEGL! *** #queen-of-hashtags #partytime #well deserved #modern-lovers-photographer #alternative wedding photographer #BRAVO! #feel-celebrated

Stefanie Fiegl

Stephanie Fiegl photography & ARTs

alternative wedding photography for modern lovers

& new borns












#yippyyyy-yeayyyy #surprise-surprise #fun #bridal-shooting #Model_Stefanie_Trinkberger #F.A.M. #Photographer_Stefanie_Fiegl #happy-vibes #in the mountains


BIOUTY MAGAZINE NOSTALGIE #yippyyyy-yeayyyy #surprise-surprise #fun #bridal-shooting #Model_Stefanie_Trinkberger #F.A.M. #Photographer_Stefanie_Fiegl #happy-vibes #in the mountains #Thank_you_Steffi!

***MAGAZINES: Bild der Frau, marry MAG, BRIDE, BIOUTY, Hochzeitswahn Sei inspiriert

#congratulations for the publications #love #love-your-job #happy endings #Alternative Wedding photography #Modern lovers #Beauty #Personality #Style

***MAGAZINES: Bild der Frau, marry MAG, BRIDE, BIOUTY, Hochzeitswahn Sei inspiriert #congratulations for the publications #love #love-your-job #happy endings #Alternative Wedding photography #Modern lovers #Beauty #Personality #Style

Nice to meet you!
— Stefanie Fiegl

Photography by Stefanie Fiegl Germany & Austria

Model Stefanie Trinkberger, Germany

Hair & Make up Stefanie Trinkberger, Germany

Retouching Whitney Minthorn, USA

How time flyes

Steffi & me, we know each other now since exactly 20 years.

2 steffi´s. A blonde and a brunet. on the phone, we always added the department to know from the beginning on who and which department is speaking. so, it was steffi from the tivoli, which was the restaurant supervisor (Steffi Fiegl), and me, I was department executive floor, Located in the 12th floor for the vip´s.

we were colleagus in munich, when i started into the five star hotel business. steffi was by this time the star of the restaurant. adored from all the male colleagues and guests. steffi was the coolest of the coolest with the latest style, the most beautiful hair, the hottest hot pants, super long legs, a cute face and a barbie dream figure. when we met the first time, i was 19.

by this time we were all always in the rush hour. so very busy. we do call it “walking in hotel speed” shortly before running, just walking quick. steffi and i, we just met for a “hi & bye.” but most of all we met on facebook later on, having more time. there we discovered that we are both into picture art. *YAYYYY!* so we catched up again to do some pictures together.

this day was memorable. it was my birthday, the 14th of july.

The day before my birthday hermine asked me, what´s my plan for my birthday. and i said: “Well, It´s not finalised yet, but I would love to visit Stefanie, a former colleague from the hilton, who is right now an amazing wedding photographer. and i don´t now yet, what to wear. I´m still thinking about, if i can somehow work it out in this short time, to find a fitting dress & to drive to sölden. The plan was to make some pictures with an extraordinary good bridal photographer. Stefanie is living in sölden, very close by the most beautiful mountain Timmelsjoch. It´s a mountain area for hiking, skying - and thanks to steffi fiegl this most beautiful area got discovered as photo shooting area which is specially blessed with very good conditions to do amazing, just extraordinary amazing photo shootings in a landscape and scenery which is so beautiful, so untouched and just extraordinary. usually the weather is always an additional blessing.

Hermine listened carefully when I said, stefanie is a bridal photographer and a former colleague and we want to do some pictures and I don´t know yet what to wear. and what i should choose to take with me.

and Hermine said: “Do you want to try on my bridal dress?”

Hermine was by this time in her 70ties. having Cute white curlY short hair, a kind face, glasses, wool pullover, easy t-shirts and usually an oversized long skirt with birkenstock shoes.

and i was honestly not expecting anything. so hermine came with a beautiful silk & lace dress which was fitting so perfectly. it was just a tiny bit to short. but with ballerinas or barefoot it was a princess dress waiting to be worn again. Hermine said, it is having quite a big light-yellow spot on the left side, where the lower skirt started, I said it´s no problem you don´t see it at the picture. in the actual time frame it´s not anymore working out to bring it to dry cleaning, but after the shooting, i will do so. and i did.

without any expectation, the final result was exceptional. when i carefully tried on the so beautifully made silk and lace dress, i barely could believe it. it was fitting just perfectly. it was an honer. it was so well done with a veil, and a short lace trail. everything just perfectly fitting to my high of 1,69m. absolutely increadible. something which is hard to find in a shop. it was like a tailor made dress. size 34, extra small, hermine´s wedding dress was since her wedding in her wardrobe well kept and loved each time she had a look at it.

together with the dress hermine gave me a beautiful veil with an headband. a most beautiful headpeace to try on. I never tried a veil before and it looked outstandingly beautiful. My goodness.

The day after at the michlwirt, florist lotte deutschmann was in the house to have a little chat with my mom. absolutely perfect timing. on the silk covered headband you could see the years already And i asked florist lotte deutschmann, if she can help me to put some flowers on top. lotte did it in an blink of an eye with routine. in less then 15 minutes. she eaysily renewed the headpiece. lotte is not just a florist, she is an artist in flower art, in arranging and placing things just right. lotte is calling herself for fun when she speaks about herself “Flotte Lotte”, translating this into the right wording. it means “charming, cheeky & quick” would describe it best. she took from my mom´s white big roses a few and glued it on with hot gun. what came out was a master piece. something compleatly new and extra ordinary beautiful. meeting the latest trend. seen at the high fashion foto shoots in america, at the dolce gabana fashion shows and at the classical dirndl dress fashion. like in bavaria and austria some girls do wear flowers in the braided hair matching the dirndl dress. similar like frieda kahlo setted the trend to floral hairstyling, wearing big roses like a crown in the hair.

the final result was just absolutely amazing. everything was matching, perfectly fitting and working out into detail and in very short time. the dress was so beautifully hand made & it was still in very best quality that it over lasted a long period of time. when i came back from the photo shooting, hermine and me, we celebrated my birthday. and hermine told me from the lady-tailor, who made her dress by hand. beautiful lace and most beautiful high quality fabric, a classic jacky kennedy cut, which made it into the 2020ties, hermine married in her 20ties. now it´s about 50 years later. hermine said she want to give her wedding dress to me as birthday present. she was thinking already a while before what would be a great birthday present, now she knows it and she said, she is actually happy & glad that she could give me her wedding dress as birthday present.

she said: “My dear, i have offered my wedding dress to two girls from our family, and they decided & announced, to buy a new one. and the others would not fit inside. anyhow now all the girls are married. and they had their own dresses they bought new.”

i was so very happy. it was the best birthday present for this birthday. as well meeting former colleague & power lady stefanie again, but just very briefly. the weather was excellent, it couldn´t be better. the wind started playing gently with the veil and the trail. the late evening sun sent golden sun beams. the weather was blessed and i felt from above so very supported. sunbeams, the wind gently moving the veil, the sun sending a spotlight. all turned out so very, very beautiful. mother nature kissed and blessed this photo shooting. all was happening in the very right time. we were in the “right now”.

Stefanie is so very quick with her camera. catching the moment & the movement. catching the wind inside the veil. she is sitting at the ground or standing above. she is taking with her camera the very right perspective and different kind of angles. steanie works very quick and she is doing a very good amount of pictures. you truly can see, when the wind playes “catch & release” with the veil and the lace-train of the dress.

The pictures turned out so very beautiful. thank you so much stefanie for this beautiful birthday evening. doing a bridal photo shooting at mountain level. it was cool & it was authentic.

sweetheart Whitney minthorn added the retouching-whipped cream of picture post production on top. putting everything in the right light adding the final touch for 3 selected pictures. super, super great job with an amazing result.

as well anna, who did from the red bride the retouching and the post production. increadible, absolutely increadible artwork. very, very well done. the pictures turned out so increadibly beautiful, pictues I haven´t had before, as they had movement, light and shadow in the picture.

To sum it up, stefanie is very determinded, very quick in her work. Expressing the different point of view. out of the different angle, together with the timmelsjoch-mountain-szenery, working together with the nature for the people, that´s the reason stefanie´s work is blessed from above. and you do see it in the pictures, it´s a blessing on it. it is all made with love and touched with love from both sides. the person behind the cam and in front of the cam. Stefanie is coming out of the 5-star restaurant, hotel- & people business. she knows exactly how to deal with people and a larger group of people.

stefanie love great results. and she works towards great results. Stefanie loves to let her amazing work speak for itself.

Stefanie is a facebook-superstar, an instagram-hashtag-queen, but most of all stefanie is a lover herself. she is a mom herself. she was growing & learning through her children, family and friends becoming a professional photographer. she started small & she became big. by now stefanie fiegl is a well known name in the sölden-area & the coolest couples are going for her as wedding photographer & romance photographer. kiss-art at location. and the pictures are a joy to look at. they do have grace, honesty, softness, sweetness, kindness, time, everlasting-moment-feeling. you are happy for the couple when looking at the picture and you just think: “Wow, what an amazing picture!” you truly can see the love-light in the eyes of the people. and this is what the already well known “Brand” Stefanie Fiegl Photographie stands for.

being a romance photographer like stefanie, it means it´s getting hot in here. and the couples are choosing particularly her, because she is special, she is different & she is having the best results.

the bride and the groom to be, are specially choosing the area, the location, the restaurant at the mountain & all additional services because of the pictures they have seen from others & they are all individual & all authentically cool.

you look at the outside wedding location and inside wedding location. you do look at the register office saying: “How outmost beautiful is this.”

sölden is setting a wedding trend and they are putting the measure up high. and this is just great & just right!

the couples do go to the bridal dress store recommended as stefanie is just recommending, what she finds herself great. and what she would choose for herself. couples coming to stefanie they are a match to her artwork and to her character. they are choosing her for a reason. There is beauty in simplicity and there is love in the eyes of everyone in front of Stefanie´s cam. each picture is special and each picture is having a Wow-effect!

Stefanie truly loves what she is doing & that you can see & that you can tell!

all the family is part of the picture book story of stefanie! they do grow up as little models. and my personal prediction, that they are becoming austria´s next teenage topmodel, and if not austria - then Germany´s next teenage topmodel.

yeayyyyyy having a photographer friend is an advantage. a photographer for new-borns-, children- and family-photography. an amazing alternative-wedding photographer, a modern-lover-photographer is fun & making people smile when seeing the latest photoshoots on facebook and the amount of the really, really cool pictures. At each single one looking at it saying, they are really, really good. they are standing out in quality and in how they are made. stefanie started a photoshooting trend in the whole area and way beyond. the pictures are reaching out into the world through social media, fb and instagram. through happy couples and through friends of friends.

i do believe in love. i do believe in eternal love. and i do believe in happy endings. i do believe in pictures who are starting to communicate. i do believe in eternal love. and i do believe in happy endings. but most of all, i do believe in you Stefanie. and i do believe in your talent and your eye for detail. words are communicating. pictures are communicating. friends are communicating and friends of friends are communicating. as well awards are communicating. this means peope do like the artwork and they do find the artwork communicating and touching. so congratulations, very well done. this is what a one woman show can do.












The best & most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. #feelings #better together #couple-goals #love #ich will Meer #at home #happy-hearts
— Stefanie Fiegl
A place is only as good as the people in it!
— Stefanie Fiegl

Biouty magazine

Biouty magazine

bIouty magazine cover

Photography by Stefanie Fiegl, Germany & Austria

Make up & Visagistic by Anna Kopp, Austria

biouty magazine

Photography by Stefanie Fiegl, Germany & Austria

Make up & Visagistic by Anna Kopp, Austria

biouty magazine cover

Photography by Stefanie Fiegl, Germany & Austria

Make up & Visagistic by Anna Kopp, Austria



Photography by Stefanie Fiegl

Make up and Visagistic by Anna Kopp



Photography Stefanie Fiegl